Tuesday, November 22, 2011

506_2_Smartsurface_Assembly process

On the way for the final push~
This week, we finished "read" part and 1st version of the final product.For now, 70% of the technique part has been finished. But the rest 30% is the most tough part--integration. 

For the interface design, I am thinking about combine all parts together into one. No exposed messy wires and breadboard. Mini arduino will be used and the smaller, the better. For the model this week, some elements are not easy to match.Like the LED is not easy to fit into the piece. Make it look elegant of course for the 2nd version~ 

506_1_Smartsurface_Interface design

Cut sheet

Align RGB LED piece *16

 Embed rotary encoder

Final effect

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


505_Smartsurface_Datalogger_coding to death

For this week, I am working on the data logging part to save environment temperature & user input for "predicting" personal preference for the next step.

Step 2: Coding part is the most crucial part. Although sensors and datalogger can work well separately, but for our final product, the two should be integrated together.Wires should be reconnected and coding lines should be reformatted 

Wire circuit

Coding Integration

Serial monitor

Timely data restored


Tuesday, November 8, 2011